the art of idleness [part two]

observed from the roadside... clouds moving, drawing still, drawing moving, still drawing, still moving, still, moving...[another flash animation]clouds, the most mesmerising and transient of all things... here are three of the graphite sketches used in the looped movie above...graphite drawing - sketch of clouds[graphite on paper]graphite - study of a cloud[graphite on paper]acloud drawings - dispersed[graphite on paper]

blue and yellow don't make green

[some small green paintings]green abstract stripe paintings - contemporary art for sale onlinewith shades of... peridot, emerald, verdigris, chartreuse, viridian, teal, chrome, lime, sage, mint, fern, olive, leaf, willow, grass, pine, forest, khaki, moss, mould, lichen, algae, striated abstract square paintings on paper[more small green paintings - sold]more small striped abstract paintings on paper...edit: the current exhibition at southwold in which i am one of eight artists exhibiting, is now likely to stay up until december 2009, and there is also the opportunity to rotate or replace the artworks we have on display... read more about the southwold art exhibition.