shades of grey, in another exhibition

It's all rightUnless you're either lonely or under attack.That strange effortfulRepositioning of yourself. Laundry, shopping,Hours, the telephone—unless misinformed—Only ever ringing for you, if it ever does.The night—yours to decide,Among drink, or books, or lying there.On your back, or curled up.An embarrassment of poverty.[Night by Michael Hofmann] to the person or persona [unknown] bringing this poem/poet to my attention... it struck a chord.shades-of-grey-painting-2011-framedpaint and gesso on plywood, in oak frame [2008-2011, 33cm x 33cm]as mentioned previously, september 2012: small painting above [on the kitchen wall] - shades of grey - is currently on show at Cork Brick Gallery [it's one of three slow paintingstwo reds and white stripe - all begun sometime in 2008]Cork Brick Gallery and Antiques6 Earsham StreetBungaySuffolkNR35 1AGTel: 01986 894873[floorboards under my desk]i don't know what to paint next...