and yet another water log...[the footpath was out of bounds, a lakeside view][flooded meadows, next to the river, above the waterline][flooded meadow, approaching snow island, calm waters][flooded path near the river, no right of way][another day, another meadow, choppy waters, no sea legs][see… someone left the flood gates open…]...
yet another waterlog
we've had a little rain over the weekend; yet more studies of water falling on water...looks like rain...very lightly, at first...concentric circles on the surface of the water...more rain droplets on water, creating 'pretty' patterns...raindrops, drumming on the surface of the lake...and the heavy beat of the rain plays on...and on...and on... (be careful what you wish for)...current exhibitionsReunion Refresh @ Reunion Gallery, 5 Feb – 22 Oct 2011HWAT exhibition 2011 @ Harleston Gallery, 18 June to 11 July 2011...
another waterlog
more heavy rain this weekend... the rain pelted down, the river swelled, the meadows and fields flooded, the trees and grasses swam for their lives...spring has finally sprung, but it's looking for all the world, just like a drowned world...